Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cheap Home Design Exploration

Posted by Unknown at 11:57 PM
Low-cost housing should not rundown . Design and materials plays an important role . Architects functions needed to help homeowners realize .
Through this article , the authors ( Yu Sing ) intends to share experiences in designing a low-cost housing , either already built, under construction , and which is still in the design process .

Surely the experience of designing low-cost housing can not be a reference to the end . But as the giver of encouragement for those who want to build a house with limited costs , as well as for the author to continue to explore innovative designs for low-cost housing is getting better . This is because the architecture is also owned by the general public , not just to serve the able .

Journey designing these cheap houses felt quite complex , with construction costs between 800,000 to Rp1.800.000 per square meter , with an area of ​​less than 150m2 house . However , it turns out through various experiments that continuous , low-cost housing can also have a design alternative exploration are endless. Therefore, with the help of low-cost housing architect design can be a potential alternative to home ownership without reducing the diversity of identities and needs of its owner - as opposed to the uniform that was built by the developer .

Definition of Beautiful and Luxury

Our perspective on the beauty and luxury of course needs to be expanded because of the design of low-cost housing we will see many designs that are not standard . Although the actual meaning of beauty and luxury , with a detailed execution and materials used , also applies in architecture in general , not just for low-cost housing . The beauty of a substance should be fundamental to the realization of the house . Illustrations , in general people are more easily see a beautiful woman of her physical appearance . But it could just as know more closely , it turns out these beautiful women have a nature and character that is very bad .

There are also women who from their appearance looks simple , but it has a very broad meaning of life , the natural balance , positive relationships between people, as well as the high values ​​associated with eternity . The two women then can we see as beauty , the deeper value than just skin or cosmetics .

In the context of the home , the beauty of the substance may be the utilization of recycled materials , ease of maintenance , ease of manufacture , material saving , environmentally friendly attitude , and others. Luxury should be seen from the quality of the spaces that are formed , instead of the expensive materials used . The presence of the living room with ample ventilation and natural light is sufficient, for example , is a luxury for a cheap house .

Materials exploration

It is important for the course is the use of inexpensive materials are cheap . One of the growing spirit of modern architecture since the 1920s in Europe is honesty material . For example , concrete is shown as concrete as it is without makeup . Not as an element that has not been completed , but it will provide a strong architectural expression . It is a grace to explore using material ( cheap ) for what it is as a shaper of space with no cover charge , which usually make homes expensive .

Quite a lot of basic materials or cheap to be explored use or installation means to form interesting sense of space . For example , red brick can have a lot of possibilities how to preparation . Brick can be installed as usual , or are spaced between , so the walls with holes . Can also be fitted with a variation in the arrangement brick brick and half- brick one , and others.

Bamboo , which is usually only seen as a secondary material , is now a popular material in many parts of the world . This is because it has the power bambau fiber , which can replace steel reinforcement , also of the speed of growth , flexibility , and aesthetic forms. Through the preservation of a good system , then the primary material of bamboo can be a house , that can last decades .
In addition to the use of cheap materials , material exploration can also mean the use of second-hand or recycled materials , such as second-hand or door jamb .

Efficiency Space and Structure

Somewhat different from the design house loose budget funds , which generally starts from the architectural design , cheap home design actually begins with the design of the system structure. The system determines the structure of a highly efficient home construction budget . Typically , the cost structure of the house about 40 % -50 % of the cost keselururuhan .

Roof structure , for example , are much cheaper when using fiber cement roof ( no asbestos content ) compared with tile roofs because it is not necessary rafters and battens . Moreover, if the width of the house no more than 400cm , it is not necessary structure horses .

Two floor structure may also use the multiplex frame structure with a floor that can be coated with a thin cement-cast ceramic coatings . Thus , the structure of the floor is lighter than concrete floors , columns and beams so that the buffer can be much smaller .

The distance between the first floor to the second floor is actually quite around 2500mm , provided that sufficient natural ventilation openings to the size of the room . Thus , the cost of walls , structural columns , and stairs , can save quite a lot . Effective placement of spaces in the house needs to be designed as efficiently as possible so that there are no spaces unused and circulation pathways in the house become shorter .

Actually , cheap home design exploration is still very wide open to be able to realize the dream of a lot of people have a beautiful home and a " luxury " . Hopefully the family can be a form that can contribute to the noble values ​​of the surrounding environment .


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