Sunday, November 17, 2013

Interior Design Tips for Choosing Mother and Child Hospital (HMC)

Posted by Unknown at 8:27 AM
Hospital is a vital public facility healing for all segments of society. Hospitals, especially Women and Children's Hospital (HMC) has a slightly different design to the general hospital. Children tend to be more comfortable with the environment similar to where they were playing. Because stimulus healing in patients lies not only in medicine, but also on the environmental conditions in which the patient was treated. In the Women's and Children's Hospital in general use design more beautiful, there are many variations of ornaments, pictures, and games facilities. Pleasant environment will support patients to remain comfortable (the children) giving rise to excitatory and be met with a certain response, so it will speed up the healing process.

Who wants to stay in the hospital ? Surely no one answered " me " . Similarly, in children , they are often fussy and asked to go home when hospitalized . Therefore , Mother and Child Hospital in the design so that the baby remains comfortable when the treatment process . The following design Mother and Child Hospital , including :

    Using the design of the room is tidy .

With a neat layout , it will add comfort your child to perform maintenance . Children prefer something simple , but still looks beautiful .

    Interior room with full color .

Basically all the little kids room colorful . Such as yellow , pink , blue and others , which have the effect of bright .

    Unique minimalist room .

Children are a unique personal characteristic , and very different from adults . They will be more comfortable if they see things that are considered strange , new things , and yet he knew , then in its imagination to guess what they see , so it can make him laugh . For example , the room decorations provide Puzzle cartoons , puzzles cartoon stories , funny paintings , and so forth .

    Giving the concept of beauty images . Besides liking the new stuff , baby also like something they have known . Especially in the everyday objects around their environment . They tend to like simple images so they are quick to understand . For example, by providing pictures of animals , pictures of fruits , as well as cartoons that they enjoy doing .
    Providing room furnishings were cute .

For example , giving bedcover pictorial and colorful lockers are equipped with pictures , dolls , and more .


That design Mother and Child Hospital in order to keep the baby comfortable, despite being in the hospital. So that treatment can run as much as possible and speed up the healing process. May be useful.


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