Saturday, December 7, 2013

Top 6 Things In Minimalist Bathroom Design

Posted by Unknown at 1:22 AM
Minimalist Bathroom. Minimalist small house is the right choice for today's urban society, the high price of land in the city is the main problem, while the homeowner still want all the activities can be done in the house despite the limited land

Small house design minimalist design is now much in demand, despite the minimalist label does not mean lack of function. One part of the minimalist house that should get attention is the bathroom. Minimalist bathroom design is simple and practical strategies that are suitable for minimalist design small house like this.

Here are some tips to design and organize and streamline your minimalist bathroom functions:

Top 6 Things In Minimalist Bathroom Design

1 . Separate Wet and Dry Areas

The spacious bathrooms can provide a space for residents to obtain freedom for their activities in the bathroom . One way is to provide a boundary between the wet and dry in the bathroom , the transparent glass divider can be made in the alternative .

2 . Combines Nature and Technology

Bathroom with Nu - Organic concept with the collection of loops , shower and bathup inspired by the organic forms of water , while the wooden parquet floor can be used as an alternative to provide a sense of comfort while in the bathroom .

3 . Not mutually Contacts

Keep the arrangement and placement of all devices in the bathroom is not in contact with each other , making it easier to run the activity . For example the position of the sink , toilet , closet shelves also contain toiletries or towels to dry .

4 . Utilizing Angle

Simplicity concept bathroom looks of the concept of space that is simple and compact , easy in and easy cleaning when it reaches the corner angle. The laying of the corner of the bathroom sink can be an alternative with a blend of natural colors such as beige and gray rocks could be a suitable choice of colors .

Selection of the door opening direction parallel to the shower also appropriate for those who would like cleanliness of the bathroom .

5 . Converge With Nature

Make sure the bathroom gets adequate ventilation , ventilation can be a window . Air inlets and exhaust fan extractor like to make the maximum air exchange occurs . The other option is to create an open space such as voids and adding plant life in the area so that the atmosphere at one with nature can actually happen .

6 . Functional and Texture Effects

Structuring toiletries in the bathroom is one of the requirements in providing convenience to users , adding coakan on bathroom walls can provide a texture that also functions as a place of soap .

Top 6 Things In Minimalist Bathroom Design

Minimalist Bathroom Design

With bathroom design neatly arranged , expected occupants can comfortably perform activities in the bathroom . Additionally bathroom home with a clean and easy to clean can minimize the growth of diseases caused by animals easily interact with water , such as mosquitoes , for example , or fungal skin sometimes often disturbing . To complete the design of a small house minimalist bathroom is not only to be well laid out, another room as the main room , bedroom , dining room and kitchen should get the same treatment , so the more support a minimalist house with a function that is not minimalist .

The exterior was also to be considered as part of this is to be the first face we saw before memasuiki home . Similarly , tips on managing the minimalist bathroom design minimalist small house . Hopefully this post can be useful for you all .

* Image taken from Google Image
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